Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Respite Time

As a Caregiver having respite time is very essential to not only the well-being of the Caregiver but of the Loved One/Patient with the disease. 

At times I feel guilty that I need to say "I need time off!" because I personally feel that I am saying I don't love my Mom but it's the opposite I have learned.  I love my Mom so much that I need a break once in a while to just regroup and rest so I can be a better Caregiver for her and not have any resentment or become so exhausted that I become ill myself. 

I know my life has changed tremendously from five years ago when I used to come and go and do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted but now someone else depends on me and my time is restricted but I am thankful that I have my Sister Alby, my Niece Alexys who are in this journey with us.  We also have a Friend of the family, Charise who has become my Mom's number one Companion and my Mom is always saying how Charise is another Daughter that God has sent her.  I am very blessed to have them in my life and help make caregiving a bit easier to handle. 

Respite time can be anything that a Caregiver makes it out be.  It could be going on a week long vacation to taking an hour away to get their nails done, getting coffee with a friend, watching a movie,  or going for a walk around the block.  As long as a Caregiver gets some away time to recharge that's what is the most important for both the Caregiver and Patient.

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