Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tips for Thanksgiving

In past years we used to get together with lots of family members, being latinos you know that can get large.  We have started to just be my sister her kids, my Dad and myself because it's less distracting for my Mom.

I just read this article and wish I would have read this article years ago, hope this helps someone out:


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Caregivers job doesn't end at 5pm

A Caregivers job doesn't end after 8 hours, I was looking forward to my pjs, hot chocolate and football game. At least they didn't think I was the sick one this time, she is so adorable even when she's not feeling all well

The Flu Season is Upon Us

As we have entered flu season I made sure my Mom got her flu shot and this year I remembered to get mine too. Since I always seem to get the flu or pneumonia and even H1n1 one year i prepared myself with a emergency bag.

Since everyone has their own lives I can't expect for people to drop what they are doing to take care of me when I get sick so in my bag I put couple of bottles of gaterode, cans of chicken soups, crackers, extra bags and keep it near the stairs so I don't forget when I end up sick I also added some soup for my Mom that she likes so it will be easier for me to hear up when I'm not feeling well

Monday, November 5, 2012


My Mom has been a US Citizen for almost 40 years and is a true American she loves her adoptive country deeply and I recall her saying because it saw give birth to two of her daughters and gave her kids opportunities that we would not have had back in her home country of Ecuador.

I noticed the presidential election we had before she was officially diagnosed she had issues in her voting booth but I thought it was because they were using the computers for the first time because I was confused too. Once she was diagnosed I knew she still would want to do her American duty that she said many died to have so we started doing voting by mail. I already know what her way of voting was before and I observe her when she watches the news to see how she feels regarding a particular candidate or measure. I also try to catch her good days and we go over the ballot pamphlet but she does get tired, it takes us a good one month to get our ballots done but it worth it because I know I'm helping her still feel like she's doing her American duty