Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When the lucid times come around...it hurts more

A few week back I was taking my Mom to a family get together and on our way to pick up another Aunt she turns to me and say "you are 25 right?" and I replied saying no I'm 36 (I round up) and she moved her face away from and I tried to look over to her side as we were driving and I see she is crying.  I asked what was wrong and she said "she couldn't believe that she can't remember 11 years of my life, she can't believe how her head is giving up on her."  I had to pull over and join her on the cry fest, I told her not to worry about it that this why I was here for, to help her remember.  Then I told her "oh no I forgot the pasta" she laughed and the moment where she was lucid and all there for a moment left us as fast as it came by.

It hurts me when she asks me things like how about how many Grandkids she has but it's the moments when Alz is gone and my Mom is completely lucid and she realizes that she has the disease and it is stealing her memories.  This is disease has no other word that "evil" because you know there is no cure for it and nobody wants to forget their loved ones and happy memories.  For that moment I was glad Alz came back so my Mom wouldn't hurt anymore.

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