To help my Mom keep her brain activeand help slow the Alzheimer's process we do many activities that I havementioned in the past such as:
- Word searches
- Music therapy
- Dance therapy
- Language therapy
- Memory games such as Leap Frogmemory card games
- Flash cards - Presidents andUnited States trivia games
- Taking Omega Fish oil
- Playing puzzles
- We volunteer with our localnon-profits
(Check out your county's Alzheimer's association for volunteer opportunities)
For those of us without Alzheimer'swe can do the same activities as above but we can also do some other ones I amlisting below:
- Learn a different language
- Write and eat with the oppositehand you are used to
- Put on our pants using the otherleg instead of the usual one first (we are used to doing this without thinkingat time so if we do something different that the brain is not used to, it willmake our brain work a bit more)
- Eating foods rich in omega fishoil or taking omega vitamins
- Playing crosswords or Sudoku
- Exercising at least 30 minutes 5days a week, it can be as easy as walking 30 minutes a day
- Pick up a book (and read it!)
- Sign-up for dance classes